Carolina Sputter Solutions is started by NCSU Materials Science & Engineering Professor Jerome Cuomo and his graduate student Mark Williams. The company takes exclusive license to NCSU patents in the technology space of plasma vapor deposition (PVD) of crystalline GaN, AlN, and other III-N materials.
The company changes its name to Kyma Technologies, Inc.
Kyma closes on its A-round of equity financing to support development of crystalline III-N materials and associated equipment and growth processes.
Kyma closes on B-round financing and is named Early Stage Company of the Year by North Carolina Technology Association (then known as NCEITA).
Kyma closes on C-round financing in support of continued development of boule-based crystalline GaN substrates.
Kyma expands its bulk GaN substrate product offering to include customer-specified orientations, including both a-plane and m-plane non-polar GaN.
Kyma launches AlN and GaN template product line and adds nonpolar bulk GaN to its bulk GaN product line. Auburn University researchers demonstrate 600V Schottky barrier diode using Kyma's bulk GaN substrate.
Kyma adds polycrystalline GaN to its product line and extends the size of its bulk single crystal GaN substrate product offering.
Kyma signs sales distribution agreements with leading agents in Japan, Taiwan, and Europe.
Kyma acquires select assets of Caracal Semiconductor; RPI demonstrates high performance blue and green LEDs on Kyma's bulk GaN substrates.
Kyma acquires select assets of The Fox Group including physical and IP assets in HVPE growth of full device epiwafers. Kyma is named North Carolina Company to Watch. Kyma launches AlGaN template product line.
Heather Splawn named Triangle Mover & Shaker and becomes Kyma COO. Kyma CEO Keith Evans named Triangle Top 50 Entrepreneur. Veeco partners with Kyma in US DOE project to develop PVD equipment for LED manufacturing. Kyma achieves record performance high speed high power GaN photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) device.
Kyma adds K-Orbital™ Multi-Wire Saw and K-Slice™ Diamond Wire Maker to product line. Kyma supplies GaN overgrowth service to support Naval Research Laboratory's non-linear optics development. Kyma demonstrates 10-inch diameter PVDNC™ AlN templates on sapphire and 12-inch diameter PVDNC™ AlN on silicon templates. Kyma CEO serves as I-Corps Mentor for Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) affiliated Nanofoundry Team with support from the NSF I-Corps Program. Kyma signs sales distribution agreements with leading agents in the Republic of Korea.
Jacob Leach is promoted to become Kyma's Chief Science Officer (CSO). Kyma is selected by ARPA-E under their SWITCHES program to develop HVPE grown GaN boules on ammonothermal GaN seeds. Kyma partners with Pennsylvania State University Center for 2D Materials and demonstrates 4" growth of crystalline WS2. Kyma establishes Agile Parts Manufacturing Shop. Kyma licenses electromagnetic field sensor technology from University of Nevada Las Vegas. Kyma demonstrates KO-Switch™ reliability showing negligible performance change after one million switching events. Kyma develops new process for manufacturing periodically oriented GaN crystals. Kyma signs sales distribution agreement with a leading agent in the People's Republic of China.
Kyma licenses PVDNC™ technology to GT Advanced Technologies. Kyma CEO selected to take on the role of president of the US Power Electronics Industry Collaborative (PEIC). Kyma adds Flat At Any Temperature (FLAAT) GaN Templates to its materials offering and extends its GaN growth capabilities to 6" diameter. Kyma enters into the development of 2D materials with a focus on transition metal dichalcogenides. Kyma extends its GaN photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) materials and device technology to include both vertical bulk GaN and lateral GaN template based PCSS grade materials and devices.
Kyma launches a high performance electromagnetic sensor product based on patented technology developed by University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Kyma launches a materials and crystal growth tool product line based on 2D MoS2. Kyma benefits from return of its previously licensed PVDNC™ intellectual property rights.
Kyma expands its AlN template manufacturing capacity, expands its device processing services, adds gallium oxide (Ga2O3) epiwafers to its product line, announces its strategic partnership with Quora Technology, Inc. (later changed to Qromis, Inc.) on advanced GaN substrate materials, announces the improvement of its crystalline 2D MoS2 materials product offering and the addition of a novel Mo precursor product for producing such films, and begins developing large area electronic grade diamond wafers.
Kyma expands its gallium oxide (Ga2O3) epiwafers product line and adds Ga2O3 substrate reclaim and wafer fabrication to its services offering. Kyma engages in development of large area electronic grade diamond wafers in partnership with Michigan State University. Kyma develops industry's first 200-mm HVPE growth tool for producing crystalline GaN, AlN, AlGaN, and Ga2O3 materials. Kyma demonstrates high-quality 200-mm GaN HVPE growth on QST® substrates provided by Qromis, Inc. (formerly Quora Technology, Inc.). Kyma demonstrates 100-mm free-standing GaN grown on and released from Qromis' QST® seeds. Kyma and GOLeafe form partnership in nanocrystalline graphene materials. Kyma CEO Keith Evans joins NREL's T2M Advisory Board for their ARPA-E supported project on HVPE Solar Cell Technology.
Kyma adds gallium oxide (Ga2O3) substrates to its product line, demonstrates Ga2O3 epilayer mobilities above 100 cm-V/s, and announces record device bookings. Gregg Dodson is promoted to Chief Engineer and elected to Kyma's Board of Directors. Jacob Leach transitions from Chief Science Officer to Chief Technical Officer. Kyma adds copper (Cu) and graphene templates to its product line. Kyma partners with CAS Machine to expand machine shop expertise & capabilities.
Kyma adds UV Grade AlN on Sapphire Templates to its product line. Heather Splawn transitions to the President & CEO role, while Keith Evans transitions to Chief Strategy Officer.