
Kyma Technologies offers a range of high-quality epiwafers for advanced semiconductor applications, focusing on III-N materials such as GaN and AlN, as well as emerging materials like gallium oxide (Ga2O3). With their expertise in Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) and Pulsed Sputtering Deposition (PSD) processes, Kyma produces epiwafers that cater to the unique needs of power electronics, optoelectronics, and photovoltaic industries.

Kyma's Custom III-N Epiwafers are tailored to meet specific customer requirements, leveraging the company's extensive experience in growing high-quality, single-crystalline III-N layers on various substrates. Their PureGaN™ epiwafers, grown using HVPE, offer low defect densities and excellent surface morphology, making them ideal for high-performance GaN-based devices.

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Custom III-N Epiwafers

Kyma supplies Custom III-N Epiwafers both for materials studies and for a number of device applications, including light emitting diodes (LEDs), microwave / RF transistors, acoustic wave filters, photodiodes, and power switching.

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PureGaNTM is a breakthrough in GaN quality that unlocks the true versatility and value of vertical GaN power devices. Kyma's proprietary HVPE technology allows thick GaN films with extremely high chemical purity to be grown.

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Gallium Oxide Epiwafers

Kyma's ß-Ga2O3 epiwafers are grown on (010) ß-Ga2O3 substrates and have high electrical quality and also high structural quality that matches that of the substrate.

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