PVD Growth Tools

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PVD Growth Tools

Kyma's staff has multiple decades of accumulated experience in the design and manufacture of several types of vapor phase crystal growth tools for compound semiconductor materials growth.

Kyma's accumulated experience includes design and manufacture of PVD, HVPE, CVD, MBE, MOCVD, and sublimation/PVT based crystal growth tools for the growth of a number of compound semiconductor materials.

This includes small research grade tools for the growth of a single 2-inch diameter wafer and also large production tools for the growth on many small or one to a few large diameter wafers. Kyma's capabilities include state-of-the-art CAD capabilities, a full machine shop, and crystal growth process modeling & simulation software, all important ingredients to Kyma's custom tool design and build processes.

Product Details


  • Customizable designs for research or production-scale applications
  • Proprietary PVD techniques for optimized material growth
  • In-situ monitoring and process control systems
  • Modular configurations for versatile material compatibility
  • Integrated CAD design and process modeling capabilities


  • Precise control over growth parameters and material properties
  • High uniformity and reproducibility across wafer/substrate
  • Scalable solutions for diverse application requirements
  • Maximized product yield and reduced cycle times
  • Leverages Kyma's extensive compound semiconductor expertise


  • Growth of III-Nitride materials (GaN, AlN, InN, and alloys)
  • Deposition of II-VI and Oxide semiconductor layers
  • Synthesis of advanced optoelectronic and electronic materials
  • Epitaxial growth for high-performance device structures
  • Research and development of novel compound semiconductor materials

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